WIN kindly invites you to an evening full of fashion, fun and female empowerment with DOROTHEE SCHUMACHER
Wednesday 26th April 2017
6.30pm - 8.30pm
Champagne, canapes and goody bags
Playful and sophisticated - for over 25 years Dorothee Schumacher has been unconventionally feminising fashion.
Colour and style advisers Manina and Annie from Red Leopard will be talking to us about perfecting and enhancing our appearances. They help people to choose clothes which are in harmony with their colouring, shape and personality in order to build a fabulous wardrobe. A wardrobe where everything in it is an asset. No more closets full of clothes, with nothing to wear...
(Please note, there is no obligation at all to buy anything, this is an event intended to inform and for us to have fun!)