Women's Irish Network UK

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2020 bursary applications are now open

The Women’s Irish Network is delighted to announce that for the second year running we will be awarding two bursaries, one in Education and one in the Arts, to the value of £3,000 to women of Irish descent living in the UK.

Last year’s awards were kindly sponsored by WIN founding member Mary Clancy Hatch and Vanessa Byrnes, former WIN board member.

The 2019 recipient of the education bursary was Tina McCloskey, Advanced Practitioner with the NHS who is now undertaking an advance practice Masters to further her career.

Arts award recipient was comedian and writer Marise Gaughan who has used the funding to move to London and hone her craft ahead of the 2021 Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

WIN Chairperson, Angela Brady, says “This is a great opportunity for people to add value to their career by completing a study course or enhancing their career in some way that will also help others and it is a great way to show support from WIN and its members to women in business” - WIN Chairperson, Angela Brady

Applications for the 2020 Bursaries are now open with submissions closing on 10 July. Interviews will take place via Zoom on the 17 July and the successful applicants will be notified the following week.

WIN was founded in 1998 as a business network and to also help Irish women overcome challenges they encounter in the workplace and to support women to be successful in their chosen careers.

We look forward to welcoming applications for this year’s bursaries. Criteria for the application and entry process are on our website here.

Listen to feedback from last year’s winners in our short video testimonials below to hear how their WIN bursaries have helped them along their career paths.

Press Enquiries please email info@womensirishnetwork.com