Women's Irish Network UK

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Brent Centre for Young People

The Brent Centre for Young People helps young people aged 11-21 with emotional and mental health problems, by providing a therapeutic space for them to think and talk about their worries, and help them move forward. Please read on for excerpts from the Brent Centre’s 2018 – 2019 report of progress so far, in order to hear in their own words how they are moving forward with their funding and making an impact in the community.

Irish Mental Health Support and Liaison Project

The Irish Youth Foundation (UK) grant of £4,000 has enabled us to maintain our Irish Project and the post of Mental Health Support and Liaison Officer. It has also helped us continue to provide Irish young people with our core services of Adolescent Exploratory Therapy and Psychotherapy and to increase access in outreach locations.

Work with young Irish people has also taken place in 4 schools and at Brent Youth Offending service. Mental Health continues to be one of the leading causes of morbidity in Brent, and Brent is still home to the highest number and proportion of Irish residents in London, as well as home to Lynton Close, the fourth largest Traveller site in London.

Aims and Objectives of the Project

The aims of our Irish Mental Health Support and Liaison Project have remained constant as they continue to be highly relevant to the needs of young Irish People in our community:

– To improve the mental health of young people who are Irish or of Irish descent

– To build upon our existing psychotherapy provision and Irish project. We offer short and long-term individual psychotherapy, parent and family support

– To meet practical support needs of young people

– To raise the profile of the needs of Irish young people

– To further our understanding and sensitivity to intercultural work and better meet the needs of our community

– To support more young Irish people to access our in-house and outreach services
